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L-Shaped Indoor Display at WIP On The Park, KL

Indoor P2.5 L-Shaped LED Display,
7.68m x 2.88m, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
The L-shaped display boasts cutting-edge anamorphic output, enabling the showcasing of trendy 3D content, and the ability to display live sports matches.

The LED display's modular design and power efficiency result in easy maintenance and cost savings for the restaurant. Its anamorphic output offers a stunning visual experience for customers, while the display's versatility allows for the showcasing of promotional content.

Additionally, the LED display is perfect for live sports matches, with customers enjoying their favourite soccer or F1 races on one side of the display while promotional content is displayed on the other side. We are humbled by the opportunity to contribute to enhancing the venue's atmosphere and increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Project Team

HT, Salman, Jailam, Firdaus, Asymawi, Ammar

Location / Year

KL, 2021